Thursday, January 30, 2014

Want to Be a B&G Brand Ambassador?

Hello there, everyone! Looking to broaden your horizons? Want to be a part of something big? Want to take charge and make things happen? Let me be a little more specific:

Do you want to become a B&G Designs Brand Ambassador?

You've come to the right post!

B&G has plenty of opportunities for you to grow and learn and be a part of a growing company. Whether for the experience, the companionship, or just because you feel like this would be a cool thing to do, we encourage you to apply now. We're always looking for more helping hands in every area (including the blog because, as you can see, we only have two writers, plus me!)

What are we looking for, exactly? We have a multitude of positions available, including Graphic Designers, Creative&Product Designers, Vloggers, Blog Correspondents, and many more!

A link for where to apply is provided below, along with some guidelines and perks that come along with the Brand Ambassador title. We hope to hear from you very soon, and look forward to going over your applications!

Applications Requirements
  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Live in the United States
  • Be active on multiple forms of social media
Ambassador Perks
  • 10% off all B&G purchases
  • Leadership positions available
  • A 24-hour support system comprised of your fellow Brand Ambassadors
The possibilities are endless!

If you have any questions or concerns about your application or the process, please contact our President, Brittany, at

Love Always,
B&G Blog Manager

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How-To Hairstyles With B&G Products!

Bows and headbands are fantastic hair accessories! Not only are they helpful for when you wake up late, and have to be in class in 10 minutes, and don't have the time to bother with your hair, but they can also be a great way to spruce up a simple hairstyle and take your outfit to a whole new level. Whether you are simply going to class, or going on a very important job interview, hair accessories are a very versatile item.

The simple ponytail is one great way to show off your new bow! All you have to do is grab a hair tie, preferably a B&G no crease hair tie, and put your hair up in a ponytail. It could be a high ponytail, a low one, or even in between. It's your hair, so place it where you feel most comfortable. Then, just place the bow on top of the ponytail so the bow can be seen. It's as easy as that! Number 3 in the picture shown below, is a great example of this simple, but very classy, ponytail.

A bang twist is another great way to get your hair out of your beautiful face, and show off that cute bow. Start off with all of your hair down, and gather all of your bangs in the front. If you don't have bangs, just use the front bit of hair. Begin twisting your hair so that it creates a cute spiral and goes toward the top of your head. Once you get to the end of your hair, secure it with a bow. You may need a few bobby pins and a bit of hairspray to finish off the look, but it is a quick and easy way to get your hair out of your face. It works great with all hair lengths as well! Number 1 is a beautiful example of this quick hairstyle.

A loose side ponytail is a fast way to make your hair look like you didn't just roll out of bed without too much effort, and works well to show off that B&G bow. All you have to do, is pull all of your hair to one side, and secure it with a no crease hair tie. Add a few soft curls, and a bow to cover the ponytail and you have hairstyle that is easy, but put together. Number 6 is a good example.

A simple side braid is quick, easy, and a great way to show off a bow that helps pull together your whole outfit. To complete this look, you simply pull all of your hair to one side like you did in the side ponytail. Instead of adding loose curls to the bottom, do a simple braid. Secure the bottom with a B&G no crease ponytail and then add the bow of your choosing to the bottom on top of the ponytail. You may need to secure some of the hair in the back with a few bobby pins, but it's really that simple! A quick, classy braid that shows off the perfect hair bow! Number 7 is a perfect example of this hairstyle.

I think we'll stop with these four for now and finish it off next time! In the mean time, why don't you try out some of these cute and simple hairstyles to show off that perfect B&G bow! If you want to send in pictures of you rockin' those B&G styles, send them in via email to our Blog Manager Amanda and you could be featured on the B&G Designs website as well as this here blog! The email address is listed below.


Love Always,
Abbey Rettinger
B&G Blog Writer

Blog Manager Amanda

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Get to Know Brittany, President of B&G Designs!

Hi Everyone! My name is Lindsay Durniak and I am a blog writer here at B&G Designs! Over the past week I have gotten in touch with Brittany Lockwood, President of B&G, and talked to her about the business and how her life has changed since its inception. The interview below provides fantastic insight into B&G Designs and the amazing woman who started it all!

Lindsay Durniak: Did you always envision owning and running your own small business?

Brittany Lockwood: Ever since I was a child and received my first toy cash register I have been an entrepreneur. From making and selling marker-ink colored Kleenex as tie-dye tissues on the playground in Elementary school now to owning B&G Designs. This has become much more than I ever expected. I am eternally grateful to each and everyone of our brand ambassadors because I know we would not be where we are today without them.

LD: Why did you choose hair accessories as your product line?

BL: Hair accessories can be expensive; they can also be that final touch on the perfect outfit. We wanted to make it so that college women who are on tight budgets can still feel good about what they put in their hair. That crease you get when you put your hair up in a ponytail? I always hated that when I would go and take my hair down so that was our starting point. We then expanded into hair bows and head bands, we couldn’t resist how cute they looked in our hair.

LD: Where do you see B&G Designs going in the next 10 years?

BL: This is such a heavy question! Obviously I would love to see B&G Designs thrive. In 10 years it would be amazing to have paid employees and our products in boutiques or even our own stores. Right now we are taking it day by day and focusing on our morals and what this company was founded on. Those are two important values that even in 10 years we never want to lose.

LD: How is it working with one of your sorority sisters?

BL: Amazing. We work so well together. Gia is more of the creative side and I am definitely more business minded so we have worked really well together. Before we brought our brand ambassadors on, it was just us two in charge of everything. Luckily we both had backgrounds in both sides of our company so that everything flowed.

LD: When you aren’t working, what are some of your favorite things to do?

BL: When I’m not working? Does that time exist? Haha. I love spending time with my family and friends. Exploring nearby cities or even just taking my dogs on a walk around the neighborhood. I LOVE shopping. Probably more than I should, but I can’t help myself!

LD: Do you have a favorite product? Why is it your favorite?

BL: This is so hard! I love all of our products. If I had to pick just one it would definitely be my personalized grey bow. Grey is such a classic color that goes with pretty much everything, on top of that, having my initials makes it that much more my own which I love.

LD: What is your favorite part about working at B&G?

BL: My favorite part is definitely being able to interact with men and women across the country. Some of my best friends are also ambassadors so it’s nice we can have a business relationship and a friendship.

LD: Finally, how has owning your own small business impacted your life?

BL: It has definitely made me more responsible. B&G Designs is my baby and I have to take care of it. Even though I’ve delegated a lot of things to the brand ambassadors I still need to have the final word and make sure everything is running smoothly.

Love Always,
Lindsay Durniak
B&G Blog Writer 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Welcome to the Official B&G Designs Blog!

Hello, and welcome to the newest addition to the B&G Designs family: The B&G Designs blog! This blog is dedicated to anything and everything classy and helpful for the wonderful people that support us, like you!

This is not exclusively for the college-age Greek. The B&G Designs blog, If The Bow Fits, is for everyone! Whether you're 15 and fumbling through high school, 19 and paddling your way through the unsteady waters of college, or 24 and out on the town and making your way in life, we're here to help you!

From advice, to new product announcements, to Brand Ambassador profiles, to hair tutorials, to fun facts, all we wish to give you is another little place to feel at home and like someone is really listening.

Though we are currently small, we pack a big punch. With the help of our two blog writers, Lindsay Durniak and Abbey Rettinger, and our blog manager, Amanda Ramirez, we hope to bring you smiles and inspiration in any way that we can.

Currently, we will be updating on a weekly basis, with posts on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Expect to see a post this up-coming Thursday, Jan 23, featuring an interview with our wonderful president, Brittany Lockwood!

We are so excited to be here, and we're ready to continue growing, and we hope to take you along for the ride.

Love Always,
Amanda Ramirez
B&G Blog Manager