Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Instagram Quote

As the times are changing, we are forced to see the Eating Disorder Awareness week and Mental Illness Awareness week all over social media. This is a great thing for all of us to see!! By posting these things, we may be able to give one person the strength to get help.

This post is not supposed to be depressing or anything along those lines! I wanted to write today about a quote that was posted on our Instagram. (If you don't follow us, look us up! @bgdesigns1)

This quote really spoke to me as all of these awareness weeks have been going on. This one to me really showed that how I look to others is completely dependent on me! I choose how people are going to see me. I choose if they are going to see a smiling girl who is looking to help someone else or if I am going to be unhappy all day and make the people around me unhappy.

We have the CHOICE! That is so important to remember. 

I want to give the followers of this blog a little message: You are all beautiful. You are smart. You make the decisions you do because YOU have a reason to. Don't let anyone ever take that away. You do not need to defend yourself to anyone else. Believe in yourself, and you will go far!

Mental Illness Awareness Week: The US Congress established the first week of October as this awareness week. For more information on this, look at National Alliance on Mental Illness. 

Nation Eating Disorder Awareness Week: February 23-March 1. Their website is called NEDA

A great organization to look at that has to do with eating disorders and women seeing beauty within themselves is Southern Smash. I had the opportunity to work with them as an ambassador on Louisiana State University's Campus. The most popular event that they have is the smashing of scales. People are welcome to decorate the scales and smash them as if we are smashing our ideas that numbers define us. My favorite booth was being able to to write down my insecurities as a way to let them go. The woman who founded Southern Smash, McCall Dempsey, was a fascinating woman to work with. She give a SMASHtalk during the week that can really give you another way of looking at things. Like them on Facebook! They have some great blogs that they share all the time about these topics. For even more information, check out their website

If you or anyone else is suffering through any of these problems, I suggest that you talk to someone you trust. A friend, parent, or professor may be who you choose to go to. Someone who loves you will be more than willing to work with you and make sure that you get the help you may need. Sometimes just talking about how you're feeling and realizing you are not the only one feeling that way can change your entire mindset. 

B&G Designs Executive Assistant

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