Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ambassador Spotlight: Erin Snider

As I'm sure you've already noticed, we love our Ambassadors probably almost as much as we love bows. That's why, once a month, we're going to be doing a Brand Ambassador Spotlight, to help you get to know our ladies.

Today, for our very first spotlight, we have Erin Snider!

Name: Erin Snider 

Birthday: May 6th 1995 

Where do you go to school: Missouri State University 

Major/Minor: Media Production and a minor in Photography

What is your go-to fashion accessory: The heart shape locket my boyfriend gave me.

If you had to pick one food to eat forever, what would it be: Apples

What is your favorite part about B&G: Getting to know girls from all over the United States.

If you could be best friends with one celebrity, who would it be and why: Jennifer Lawrence. I think that she’s an amazing role model for women of all ages because she doesn’t care if Hollywood thinks she’s overweight, she’s going to eat that pizza anyway!

What’s one thing that will always make you smile: Other people smiling.

Three interesting things about yourself: I have been in six musicals, I was a gymnast for 8 years and I hate watching any sport other than tennis on TV (But I love watching any sport in person) and I don’t know why.

Isn't she great?

Love Always,
B&G Blog Manager

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