Thursday, August 7, 2014

Job Series: Interview Tips

Lately I've pretty much become a pro at job interviews so here are a few tips on how to rock your first (or maybe your 5th) interview.

#1: Be knowledgable about the company.
This is one of the most important tips. Most employers will ask you to tell them what you know about the company and that can be an issue if you haven't done your research. So be sure brush up on the company history prior to the interview so you are not left stumped by this oh so common question. While browsing through the company's history, pick out a few things that really stand out to you whether it's some of the company's recent accomplishments or even how long ago they were founded and go from there. Also, make sure to review the job description of the position that you are applying for because they may ask you why you believe you are qualified for the position. If you're not one hundred percent sure what the exact position does, it can be a pretty tough question to answer.

#2: Dress appropriately for the job you're applying for. 
How you decide to dress for your interview all depends on what type of place you're interviewing for. If you're interviewing at a retail store, wearing a nice dress and some flats will suffice. You can also wear slacks and a blouse if that makes you feel more comfortable.
If you're interviewing at a corporate business place, then you should dress more formal since their everyday attire is typically business attire. A pencil skirt or a pair slacks paired with a blouse would work for this type of environment. You can even throw in a blazer if you'd like.

#3: Practice some common interview questions beforehand.
If you do this prior to your interview, you will be less likely to get caught off guard when the employer is asking you a string of questions. It is best to practice this with another person and have a "mock interview" to get a feel for how it will be on the day of your actual interview. (Sometimes there are multiple interviews present to ask you questions). If you rehearse your answers a few times beforehand and get a feel for what you are going to stay, you will be more confident in yourself and in turn will deliver your responses with ease.

#4: Eye Contact. 
Eye contact is key during an interview. It lets the employer know that you're confident in yourself and interested in what they have to say. A lack of eye contact will make an interviewer think that you are bored or uninterested in getting the job. They also might take that as you being too shy to look them in the eye. Make sure to be confident and look your future employer in the eye as much as possible. This is one of the hardest things for people to become comfortable with, but once you have this down and are confident in your answers, you'll conquer practically every interview you go to.

#5: Ask Questions.
Not only is your employer wanting to know about all about you and your qualifications for the job, but you should want to know about what they can offer you as well. Pick some questions to ask at the end of the interview such as "Where do you see this company going in the next 5 years?"or "What are the every day duties for this position", etc. They will appreciate that you seem interested in knowing more about the position and their thoughts on things and that could possibly help seal the deal.

We at B&G Designs hope that these tips will be helpful to you in your job search. Happy hunting.

B&G Designs

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