Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ambassador Spotlight: Amanda Hommertzheim

Today we will be featuring another lovely lady who helps B&G Designs run smoothly! Look forward to eventually getting to know a little bit more about every single one of them! Exciting, don't you think??

Name? Amanda Hommertzheim

Birthday? November 29, 1993

Where do you go to school? Missouri State University

Why did you choose your school? (Disregard if not in college) My Best friend went here and we always planned on going to the same school and also my Community College would have recommended I go here for my Major when I was done there.

Major/Minor? (Disregard if not in college) Major: Graphic Design and Illustration
                                                                     Minor: Design and Art History

Where do you hope to be in ten years? Apart of the National Geographic team or coming back for public relations to join that Military for Photography and Public Relations.

What are some of your favorite things to do? Craft, take pictures, design things, doodle, sew.

What is your go-to fashion accessory? Infinity Scarves, bows and headbands

If you had to pick one food to eat forever, what would it be? Mac and Cheese

What is your favorite part about B&G? Helping a great group of girls grow their business!

Why did you decide to apply to B&G? It is a great resume builder and I love bows

If you could be best friends with one celebrity, who would it be and why? Jennifer Lawrence because she is down to earth and really funny!

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Never to hold on to anything to closely, always accept change. If you don’t you will be devastated and never happy in life.

What’s one thing that will always make you smile? My best friend when I’m down.

Three interesting things about yourself: Left handed, I am obsessed with Iron Man, I love photography!

She's pretty neat, isn't she??? 


Love Always,
Abbey Rettinger
B&G Blog Writer

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hair Styles with bows!

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, hair accessories are a fantastic way to spruce up a plain jane outfit, or look your best for a job interview. Today I will tackle a few more really cute and simple hairstyles that you could wear to show off your B&G bow! You may not realize it, but spending a few extra moments to make your hair look extra classy can really take your outfit to a whole new level and give you self-confidence all at the same time!
Everybody loves the look of a messy bun. It can really be a lifesaver when you wake up late and only have a few moments to throw up your hair. A messy bun is a really great way to show off your bow, get your hair off your neck for those hot summer days, and keep it looking very professional. For this look, all you need to do is grab a B&G no crease hair tie and put your hair up in a semi high bun. Not completely on top of your head, but high enough that you will be able to see the bow. Create a simple bun and then place a bow on the back of it. A great example of this is number 2. By placing the bow on the back, underneath the bun, if gives people behind you the chance to see your delightful bow!
Some days you wake up and your bangs are just in their own world. Pulling them back and pinning them to the top of your head makes it into a charming hairstyle and you can use a bow to pull it all together. To create this look, gather your bangs and some of the hair from the top of your head and pull it back so it is lying directly on your head. It can be flat, or you could add a bit of a poof if you would like. It should be centered on the top of your head as well. Grab a few bobby pins to secure the hair, I recommend crisscrossing them so they are more secure and won’t move throughout the day. Once you have them secure, just add a cute bow on top of them. Not only will this hide the bobby pins, but it will pull the whole look together. Number 4 is a wonderful example of this!
Not all days call for a ponytail, but you would still like to pull your hair back and show off your beautiful face. For a quick and simple look, gather a small section of hair from right above each of your ears. Pull it back, like you would if it was a ponytail, only don’t grab the middle section. Let that stay where it is. Once you have the two sections joined at the back of your head, secure using a small rubber band. You can usually get this in packs of 100 or so, and they come in great colors! Once you have it looking how you want, add a bow on top of the rubber band. It is a great way to leave your hair part way down and keep the other half out of your face. Number 5 is a magnificent example of this.
For the days you have a little bit more time, a cute headband and bow combo is the way to go. Curl your hair, or leave it natural if you would prefer. Part and style your hair the way that you are most comfortable with and grab a B&G headband and place it where you would like. I typically leave some of the hair in front of it, and some behind it. Then, add a bow on top of the headband. I usually place it slightly off center. Number 8 is a beautiful example of this. This is a great way to keep your hair down, but still add a bit of glitter and glam to the look!

I hope that you try out some of these look and they deem successful! Your hair should never be forgotten when you only have a few short moments to get ready! With the use of B&G hair accessories it can be really fast and simple to create a look that makes it look like you took a lot of time to style your hair! If any of you try these, or have any other ideas that you find work great for you, we would love to hear them! Have a great week!

Love Always,
Abbey Rettinger
B&G Blog Writer

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ambassador Spotlight: Erin Snider

As I'm sure you've already noticed, we love our Ambassadors probably almost as much as we love bows. That's why, once a month, we're going to be doing a Brand Ambassador Spotlight, to help you get to know our ladies.

Today, for our very first spotlight, we have Erin Snider!

Name: Erin Snider 

Birthday: May 6th 1995 

Where do you go to school: Missouri State University 

Major/Minor: Media Production and a minor in Photography

What is your go-to fashion accessory: The heart shape locket my boyfriend gave me.

If you had to pick one food to eat forever, what would it be: Apples

What is your favorite part about B&G: Getting to know girls from all over the United States.

If you could be best friends with one celebrity, who would it be and why: Jennifer Lawrence. I think that she’s an amazing role model for women of all ages because she doesn’t care if Hollywood thinks she’s overweight, she’s going to eat that pizza anyway!

What’s one thing that will always make you smile: Other people smiling.

Three interesting things about yourself: I have been in six musicals, I was a gymnast for 8 years and I hate watching any sport other than tennis on TV (But I love watching any sport in person) and I don’t know why.

Isn't she great?

Love Always,
B&G Blog Manager

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Instagram Quote

As the times are changing, we are forced to see the Eating Disorder Awareness week and Mental Illness Awareness week all over social media. This is a great thing for all of us to see!! By posting these things, we may be able to give one person the strength to get help.

This post is not supposed to be depressing or anything along those lines! I wanted to write today about a quote that was posted on our Instagram. (If you don't follow us, look us up! @bgdesigns1)

This quote really spoke to me as all of these awareness weeks have been going on. This one to me really showed that how I look to others is completely dependent on me! I choose how people are going to see me. I choose if they are going to see a smiling girl who is looking to help someone else or if I am going to be unhappy all day and make the people around me unhappy.

We have the CHOICE! That is so important to remember. 

I want to give the followers of this blog a little message: You are all beautiful. You are smart. You make the decisions you do because YOU have a reason to. Don't let anyone ever take that away. You do not need to defend yourself to anyone else. Believe in yourself, and you will go far!

Mental Illness Awareness Week: The US Congress established the first week of October as this awareness week. For more information on this, look at National Alliance on Mental Illness. 

Nation Eating Disorder Awareness Week: February 23-March 1. Their website is called NEDA

A great organization to look at that has to do with eating disorders and women seeing beauty within themselves is Southern Smash. I had the opportunity to work with them as an ambassador on Louisiana State University's Campus. The most popular event that they have is the smashing of scales. People are welcome to decorate the scales and smash them as if we are smashing our ideas that numbers define us. My favorite booth was being able to to write down my insecurities as a way to let them go. The woman who founded Southern Smash, McCall Dempsey, was a fascinating woman to work with. She give a SMASHtalk during the week that can really give you another way of looking at things. Like them on Facebook! They have some great blogs that they share all the time about these topics. For even more information, check out their website

If you or anyone else is suffering through any of these problems, I suggest that you talk to someone you trust. A friend, parent, or professor may be who you choose to go to. Someone who loves you will be more than willing to work with you and make sure that you get the help you may need. Sometimes just talking about how you're feeling and realizing you are not the only one feeling that way can change your entire mindset. 

B&G Designs Executive Assistant

Friday, February 7, 2014

Happy Birthday, Nicole!

It's that time again, another Brand Ambassador Birthday! It seems that the beginning of the year has been full of such special days.

Today, we want to wish a very happy birthday to our Creative Designer Nicole! She's done a lot for us over the past couple weeks, including renaming products, finding the perfect name for the blog, and helping us design it!

We know with her creative mind, we'll go far, and the same goes for her 22nd birthday! Have a blast, Nicole!

Love Always,
B&G Designs

Here's the birthday girl! Lookin' good!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Happy Birthday, Gia!

We have another Brand Ambassador Birthday and we couldn't be more excited to celebrate it with you!

Today, one of our very own founders, Gia, turns 20!

She's a student at the University of Oregon and a member of Greek Life.

We hope you have one of the best birthdays, Gia! Leaving your teens behind is no laughing matter!

Love Always,
B&G Designs

Here's the birthday girl!
Rockin' those letters.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Birthday, Amanda!

Here at B&G, we like to make sure our girls know that they're loved and special.

That is exactly why, today, we are having our first birthday post! Today, February 2, our very own Blog Manager turns 21!

Amanda is a student at Fairleigh Dickinson University and is currently studying abroad in Wroxton, England. She's a junior, studying Creative Writing and Public Relations, and is a member of Greek Life.

We hope you have a fantastic day, and many more to come!

Love Always,
B&G Designs

Here's the birthday girl!