Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ambassador Spotlight: Brook Clifford

Stephanie "Brook" Clifford

March 18, 1994

Where do you go to school? 
Northern Kentucky University

Why did you choose your school? 
Small class size, general feel of the campus and I received a full ride.

Journalism/Communication Studies

Where do you hope to be in ten years?
Finished with graduate school and employed by a University working my way up to higher administration.

What are some of your favorite things to do?
I love to read and write and like to try new things. I like being outside, like watching sports. Want to travel around the world.

What is your go-to fashion accessory?
Earrings, always.

If you had to pick one food to eat forever, what would it be?
Grilled chicken I guess.

What is your favorite part about B&G?
The people, they are great!

Why did you decide to apply to B&G?
I wanted a new experience & I love working in PR.

If you could be best friends with one celebrity, who would it be and why?
Ellen DeGeneres, does that even need an explanation?!

What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Not everyone can be the person you want them to be.

What’s one thing that will always make you smile?
Making other people genuinely happy.

Three interesting things about yourself:

  1. I was born in Northern California.
  2. I am incredibly picky food-wise & I hate cake.
  3. I am recently re-obsessed with working out!

Much love,

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