Thursday, July 17, 2014


We're writing again today with another quote! These are all found on our Pinterest page, so be sure to check them out!
This quote particularly connected with me. As a college girl, or even just a girl in my twenties, my dreams have become a little smaller. My dreams have become as small as "just pass this test." Reading this quote made me remember that I need to look beyond just what I want to do next week or next month. I need to think about what I want in the long run. 

I have decided to find my dreams that I had when I was a little girl. I wanted to be a princess. You know what? I am going to be a princess. No, I may not be a princess in the fairy tale story kind of way, but I choose to be a princess that helps others. Those princesses are nice to everyone. They are always elegant. They help those who cannot help themselves. That's what I want to do. I am choosing to be a princess that helps others, dresses beautifully, and is nice to everyone even the ones that do not deserve it. 

What are your childhood dreams reimagined?? 


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