Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Love Yourself

Self confidence is very important! Being a female, it isn't always easy to keep your self confidence high. In the media, we always see expectations that we are supposed to live up too, and movies always show that you need a man in your life to be happy. Many females wait for the man to sweep them off their feet and carry them off into the sunset. But, as the quote above says, the most exciting and significant relationship is the one you have with yourself! Love yourself! I know that some days it isn't easy, maybe you wake up with a huge zit the day of a huge event. That's okay! It happens! Here are some tips to help you feel fabulous, and make yourself feel better when you may be in a bit of a rut.

1. Get plenty sleep. Sometimes, you are just tired. Being tired makes your skin look tired, you don't think straight, and you act a bit crazy. Sleep is very important.
2. Eat healthy! You're body is a temple. Treat it that way! Drink lots of water, and eat well. Your body will respond and you will feel more energetic and like you can take on the world.
3. Face masks! Go to a drug store and pick up a face mask. Sometimes, you can even get them in a calming scent. Put your hair up, and throw on a mask. Your skin will thank you, and you will feel more confident.
4. Take time for yourself. Take a long walk, read a book, go for a jog, or whatever makes you feel great. Take time to just relax, and focus on yourself. Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget to take care of our self.
5. Smile! Even on your worst days, smile. A smile can turn your whole day around and when you feel happy, and look happy, you will probably have a better day. Having a good day is always a plus!!

Loving yourself is a very important part of life! You are the top priority and sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget that. Take the time to have a good relationship with yourself, and you won't regret it! Plus, who doesn't want to feel fabulous??

Abbey Rettinger

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